I have named my Leprechaun ,William , and he is my lucky charm. He sits by my computer and watches me while I visit tatting sites. Sometimes he sits and watches me tat too! He is a funny little fellow whom I feel so privileged to have.
I was tatting the other day and had to get up to answer the phone and when I came back, William had started tatting on my motif. He reminded me of the Fairy Tale by the Grimm Brothers "The Elves and the Shoemaker". Maybe William will have the motif done tonight.
Then two days ago, I couldn't find William. I wondered where he had gone off to. I searched high and low for him. Then I heard squeals of delight and you'll never guess where I found him. Did you ever see a ball pit at an amusement park? Well, I found William have a grand time with my thread. He dived right in just like a ball pit, only this was a pit full of thread. I had a heck of a time untangling him from the thread.
Yesterday I found him studying a pattern out of Mark Myers Book "Tatted Gathering of Angels". Maybe that is what he is going to tat for me tonight while I'm in bed.
That leads us to today. I came home from work and found him sitting at the computer. He sees all his friends and wants to know where they are and what they are up to. Are they as happy as I am, William asks.
So these are William's adventures for now. Who knows what mischief he will get into tomorrow. Thank you Pam, I adore William......
The reason for naming my Leprechaun William:
Why William you ask, well, I just watched the movie "P.S. I Love You" with Gerad Butler and Hilary Swank & Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Part of the movie was shot in Ireland and one of the Irish characters was William. So I named my Leprechaun after William in this movie. If you haven't seen this movie and like Romantic Comedies, you've got to see this one. I have to warn you that it is a tear jerker. I laughed and cried through the whole movie.
Carol you made my day. It was so lovely to see William again and to see that he is 'pitching in'and 'having a ball'.
We had heard from him that he wanted to learn to tat and now my little fella that stayed here with me wants to too. oh my gosh! whatever next!
Oh, MY GOOODNESS!!! That was so cute!!!! Thank you for showing us all what William the Leprechaun has been up to. What a mischievous little fellow getting tangled up in the balls of thread like that. Who can blame him, though. We tatter just seem to hoard more thread than we will ever use in a lifetime. That was a hoot. Cute little leprechaun. Do they ever get to come to California, I wonder?
OH - I saw the previews for this movie and was going to go see it but didn't. Thanks for the reminder to rent it.
William is lucky to have such a fun place to live!
:-) gina
Well Pamela is right. You are too funny and this is a hoot! There's no telling what William will be up to next. I had no idea Lephrechauns could be so creative! Let me know if he tats you an angel from that book. I want to see that!
I love William. I think I need a gang of leprechauns....they are dead useful!
Can't wait to hear more of what he has been up to!
Thanks for sharing William's adventures! It is a nice name. If I were ever a lucky leprechaun recipient, he would have to be named James Joseph after my Irish grandfather.
When will your children's story be published... The Elf and the Tatter... I would love to read it to the kids at school! : )
Your leprechaun is soo cute! Where did you get that gorgeous turquoise shuttle? I would love to order one for myself.
Tara Hamilton
Glad to see William sooh happy, in fact just glad to see William!!
Thank you for all your nice comments on William's adventures. He is fun to have around and keeps me company when I tat. Pam, I adore this little guy. William has been keeping out of mischief for now.
The Turquoise shuttle is a Silent Tatter. I got it in an exchange once. You can get this style of Silent Tatter from Roseground:
http://www.roseground.com/products/cat/30 This style shuttle is in the 2nd picture and is like the dark shuttle shown next to the cream colored one. The shuttle is made out of resin. Click on view details for more info. I really like this type of shuttle and use it for most of my tatting.
Thanks for the smile, Carol. William is just toooo cute. I'd sure like to have a tatting elf like him!
This is a lovely post, Carol, but I'm more pleased about the fact that you have given me a brilliant close-up of Altin Basak thread! I have heard about it but never used it because I didn't know what it was like, but looking at the close-up I can see that it looks like a very good tatting thread! I'm off now to go and spend some pennies! LOL.
William is sooo cute!!!
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