Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Vandergrift Arts Festival

My Local Library, Vandergrift Public Library, where I work, was involved in the Vandergrift Fine Arts Festival for the first time.  We had Fiber Arts displayed throughout the library and demonstrations going on as well.  There was embroidery, quilting, crochet, spinning and tatting demonstrations going on.  I was of course demonstrating tatting along with my Mother, Peg and my friend Rayanna was there for awhile too!

I was talking to the lady who came in to demonstrate spinning and I realized that I had e-mailed with her before.  Misty joined one of the yahoo groups for tatting and I saw that she was from my area.  I had lost her e-mail address and lost contact with her until I realized when I was talking to her at the Library who she was.  What a small world.  So I hope to get together with her to tat somtime.

It was a very busy day in the Library with people in and out all day watching the various demonstrators and looking at our wonderful displays. This is my tatting display.

This is the quilter's display.

Each group that demonstrated donated an item for our raffle, which was a fundraiser for the library.  I tatted Yarnplayer's  Duchess necklace in Lizbeth thread, dusty rose, from her "Boutique Tatting" book and the earrings I tatted to go with the necklace was Yarnplayer's Carnival Earrings.  I made a bracelet to go with the set too, I just used a basic Rosette pattern. I was very pleased how it all turned out.

This event went over very well and our fundraising for the Library was a success.

Other interesting information about Vandergrift, Pa, if you have seen the movie that was at the theater 6 months ago, I Am Number Four", part of it was filmed in Vandergrift.  Here is a shot of the main character, Alex Pettyfer, in front of Grant Street Music, which is actually Trygar Music.  This is where my son, Cameron takes his guitar lessons.   My daughter, Katrina got to meet Alex and had her picture taken with him.  It was all very exciting to watch the movie being filmed in our home town.


  1. Oh, that sounds like so much fun!
    Your necklace, earrings and bracelet set is lovely!

  2. What a wonderful project! Our library is very small, not even as big as the first floor of my house, so I don't think we'll ever host an event such as that for a fund raiser. I love your tatting display... wonderful way to spread the joy!

  3. Well done, how nice to be able to show tatting and other crafts in one place, you looks as if you were enjoying the day.

  4. Congratulations on getting tatting into the public sphere. I had never noticed before how well the Carnival design goes with the Duchess necklace-- thanks for showing that!

  5. Oh, my, how lovely to see you and your mum tatting together again. Did I spot Norman and Aileen in front of your mum too? Bet they enjoyed their outing away from the farmyard!

  6. Great post!! So many things to comment on!

    First, wonderful photos, especially the one of you and your Mom! (Say "Hi" to Rayanna for me!)

    Second, excellent setting for a fiber arts/needlework display!
    Great idea to have it at the Library and a wonderful Fundraiser. So glad it was successful! Other libraries should take note! It looks like a very nice place to work!

    Also happy to see your 'montage' display of your tatting. Of course I loved seeing the fabulous beaded elephant!

    I would think that visitors to the library were amazed to see how tatting has evolved, or that it is even still around!

    I can't believe Vicary is coming up soon. I don't want summer to speed by too quickly!

  7. Hi Carol,

    How great to see a post from you and the lovely photo of you and your Mother. What a great fundraiser for the library and I love the pretty pink rosette you made for the raffle.

    Happy week

  8. T he necklace set is beautiful. What a lucky person to win that raffle.

  9. Your jewelry set is beautiful! :)

  10. Gorgeous work Carol. And very generous of you :)

  11. Lovely to see you blogging again.your jewellery set is an inspiration to me. The winner was very lucky.

  12. Missed this! Your display is wonderful! And the necklace and earring set is fabulous! Congrats!
    Fox : )

  13. Oh my, that's a really impressive tatting display! All incredible designs, and I especially like the peacock! Sorry that I missed this post earlier. There you are with your necklace set! Very generous of you to donate it to the fundraiser.

  14. Thank you everyone for all your lovely comments. It means a lot to me.

  15. Yarnplayer, Thanks for stopping by to see the tatting display. Your Duchess necklace and Carnival earrings turned out so lovely and the lady who won the set is so pleased with it. She loved the design of the necklace.
